The Scotland Rugby League Safeguarding Policy allows us to be suitably proactive and reactive on the matter. Our proactivity helps us to prevent issues from arising in the first place due to establishing good practices, systems and a strong culture on wellbeing and safety.

This includes ensuring people have PVG checks (assessment of their criminal record), attend safeguarding courses, receive education and each club working with children (Under 18’s) having a trained Child Welfare Officer (CWO). The reactive element to our policy empowers people in rugby league to know exactly what to do should anything arise.

Every team should have a qualified coach, first aider and meet the adult to child ratio of 1:16. Ideally 2 adults should be present for every session. All volunteers involved with the team should have PVG clearance, have had a suitable induction and have attended a safeguarding course. All volunteers, parents, carers and players should know who the club’s Club Welfare Officer is. This is the person who will be implementing the SRL Safeguarding Policy through the club. Safeguarding is the collective responsibility of everyone.

The full Scotland Rugby League Child Protection Policy is available on request from Marie Milnes, the SRL Player Welfare Manager. See contact details below.

Should anyone wish to raise an issue or ask questions then the first point of contact should be their Club Welfare Officer, who, as stated above, should be known by all players and staff at their respective club.

Should you wish to raise the matter centrally with Scotland Rugby League then contact the Scotland Rugby League Player Welfare Manager, Marie Milnes, .

Any complaints on safeguarding matters should be addressed to Marie Milnes. Complaints will be responded to within 7 days and dealt with within 3 to 6 weeks depending on their nature.

Should there be a conflict of interest with raising matters with Marie Milnes , then please contact Debbie Knight  07400 977770 –

You can find out more about our child protection policy here or by contacting our safeguarding children officer. Also, reference the SRL’s child protection policy here.

• Safeguarding in Sport   – a partnership between Children 1st and sportscotland.  For help and advice regarding any child wellbeing and protection issue in sport, email or call 0141 419 1156

The NSPCC – help and advice from the Child Protection in Sport Unit.

• ChildLine – free 24-hour helpline for children and young people in the UK.

Respect Me – advice for children about dealing with bullying.

• Getting it right for every child and young person – essential reading from the Scottish Government for anyone involved or working with children and young people.

• SHANARRI indicators  – the wellbeing wheel

• A guide outlining the causal link between bullying and substance misuse